Engaged, Aligned, Prepared

Multi-generation business families are grounded by unity of purpose. 

As family enterprises expand their business interests add new generations disparate family members may become engaged and developing unity of purpose is needed for the family businesses to thrive.

Finley & Associates utilizes creative means to facilitate honest and important conversations by gathering parties together, providing frameworks and presenting information that all can digest. These vehicles are productive, inclusive and supportive, building the skills for expedient decision-making and nurture family ties.

We build alignment and engagement within multi-generation business family through:

Shared Vision

A toolkit to explore and assess the aspirations, expectations, experiences and beliefs for family members to come to a set of shared vision and values and identified areas for growth.

Family Strategy

Co-creation of a multi-year Family Strategic Plan including annualized goals and action priorities, entrepreneurial endeavours and individual capability development.

Family Office Concepts

Orientation for family members and trusted advisors on the purpose and function of a Family Office structure and the opportunities created for sustaining business success, entrepreneurship, leadership development, legacy building and community involvement.

Renewal Retreats

Development of annual family retreats that develop capability across generations in entrepreneurship, financial acumen, leadership, governance and philanthropy, all tied to family’s history, vision and values.